Roll the credits now

By • Dec 12th, 2008 • Category: Developer diaries

The time is gone, the song is over, but I surely had a lot to say.

Fnk presentation: talking about web applications, showing Photoshop Express
(Photo by Elise Roese)

As the final assignment for the academic side of the project, I’ve just given a short presentation about Fnk at my college for an audience that included selected teachers as well as a few special colleagues.

That final evaluation was the last step on this 4-year long road, and albeit very beta and with a series of important drawbacks, it did fairly well grade-wise; I can happily say I’m over with college. Maybe not very happily since there’s a lot I’ll miss about the place and the people I got to meet there, but I guess it’s part of the game.

Actual Fnk development will resume shortly.

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