Archives for the ‘Gallery’ Category

Audio playback and analysis

By • Nov 29th, 2008 • Category: Demos

Playing an MP3 file, reading the volume peak levels, and doing an analysis of the resulting waveform to create some visual effects.

Camera circles

By • Nov 25th, 2008 • Category: Demos

Using random circles to recreate content fed from a video camera, and reacting accordingly to the camera activity levels. Requires an accessible video input (like a webcam) to work.

Random circle array

By • Nov 20th, 2008 • Category: Demos

A sample showing how to use arrays of random numbers to generate and animate a number of circles. Fullscreen resolution is set to 16:10 (widescreen).

Chromatic circles

By • Nov 20th, 2008 • Category: Demos

Revolving circles creating a chromatic graphic. Hypnotic at times.


By • Nov 20th, 2008 • Category: Demos

Snow falling with variable position.